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You've already bought this item...

You can set any items in your honeymoon gift list so that many guests can buy the item for you. This is really handy for those little extras, for contributions towards your travel or accommodation expenses, and for making sure that there’s always something on your list that’s still available to buy at the very last minute.

We’ve noticed, though, that sometimes if a guest buys one of these items, and then returns to your list later, they see that the item is still available to buy, and think that their original gift hadn’t been saved properly, prompting them to buy the item again.

So, we’ve made a small change to try to address this. Now, if a guest tries to re-purchase an item they’ve already bought, the site notifies them that their original gift has been recorded, and that the item is simply available for more than one guest to purchase. Of course, if they’d like to buy a second instance of the gift, they still can.

We hope that this will help to avoid accidental duplicate purchases in your gift history, and to help your guests enjoy your list with confidence.