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Gifts promised as cash

Recently, we’ve been working hard on improving the usefulness of your Gift History, and we’ve now launched a further couple of updates that should help you manage gifts that are to be paid by cash or cheque.

If you’ve decided not to integrate a PayPal account into your Buy Our Honeymoon wedding list, your Gift History will show that all your gifts are to be paid by cash or cheque.  And even if you have set up a PayPal account to use with your registry, your guests can still note that they intend to pay for any of the gifts they’ve reserved by cash or cheque instead of using PayPal.

Until today, that would have been the end of the story.  Unlike gifts paid into your PayPal account, you wouldn’t have been able to record that you’d actually received payment, nor would you have been able to send a reminder message through the site.

We’ve now addressed both those issues.  To help you keep track of the gifts you’ve received, you can now mark any cash or cheque gift as paid with a single click.

You can also send a reminder email for any cash or cheque gift.  Most of the time, guests will plan to bring gifts paid by cash or cheque to your actual wedding instead of posting them to you ahead of this.  So that the reminder email is effective, the option to send it only becomes available two weeks prior to your wedding date.

We’ve got more updates and improvements to the site in the works, and if there’s anything else that you’d like to see, please send us your feedback.